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{Know} ALM Solution concepts

Hello Everyone,

As i am blogging regarding Application Lifecycle Management.
So today i am going to share solution concepts that are being used in Microsoft Power Platform.
Lets gets started.
Key solution concepts:
1. Two types of solutions:  Unmanaged Solution & Managed Solution.
Unmanaged Solution: Unmanaged Solution is used in the development environments when we are making changes to the application.
Unmanaged solution can be exported either unmanaged or managed. So the exported unmanaged solution can be checked into the source control system. 
Unmanaged solution should be considered as a source for the Microsoft Power Platform assets.
Note: When an unmanaged solution is deleted, only the solution container of any customizations included in it is deleted. All unmanaged customizations will remain uneffected and belong to the default solution.
Managed Solution: Managed solutions will be deployed to non development environments in simple terms.
Which may be UAT, SIT and Production environments.
A managed solution can be served as independently from other managed solution;
Note: As an ALM best practice managed solutions should be generated by exporting an unmanaged solution as managed and considered a build artifact.
Managed solutions can’t be edited directly, instead if you want to edit it, create an unmanaged solution and add the managed components into it and make changes and import into the environment as managed solution, so that changes will be layered. for managed properties click


Makers and developers work in development environment using unmanaged solutions, when the development work completes then export them to other environment like UAT as Managed Solutions.
NOTE: We can’t import a managed solution into the same environment that contains the orginating unmanaged solution. to test a managed solution, we need a separate environment to import it.
When you delete a managed solution, data will be lost from custom entities that are part of managed solution and data stored in custom attributes that are part of the managed solution on other entities that are not part of the managed solution.
2. Solution components: Like entity, attributes, relationships, metadata for detailed list click here

3. Lifecycle of solution: Solutions support these actions: Create, Update, Upgrade, Patch are the lifecycle of the solution.

4. Solution Publisher: A solution publisher will be the owner of the solution, which also contain prefix, where the prefix will be used when a new attribute is created it will be used as part of the schema name for example: gmr_businessunit, where gmr is the prefix.


5. Solution and Solution components dependencies: Solution components dependencies will appear when a managed/unmanaged solution is installed on top of the already managed solution.

Remove dependencies: here
Dependency tracking for solution components: here
Hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)
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