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Author: uk365guy

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing – Generate a new marketing code to track website visits

Hi Everyone,

I am going to show how to generate the marketing code for tracking online behavior of the individual user on the organisation website.

Go to Marketing – Internet Marketing – Website:

We can create a new website by selecting a “new” on the command bar.

Fill in the fields “Name”, “URL” this url contain the website url + page, “Timeout” value is defaulted to 20 minutes and add some “Description”, and scroll down and save the record.
Then at the bottom of the page you can see the Java script code

Once the Java Script code is placed on the website then you can see top 10  pages  visitors and where they are coming from across the globe on the map on the website record as shown below.

You can check the website click count and website visitor count, also you can check the General Info, Timeline and Related information of the website visits on the website record.
Note: website features uses  cookies to track visitors to log page visits where you place the tracking scripts.
If your website don’t have cookies feature enabled, then you need to enable this cookies feature on your website before you use the java script code to work.
I hope this helps.
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing – Track website online behavior

Hi Everyone,

I am going to share some view on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing – Track Online Behavior of the users.

Assume your website is integrated with Dynamics 365 for Marketing and you want to track online behavior of the individual visitors.

 Dynamics 365 enables this feature via java script code and you need to insert the code on each page of the website.

This code embed usually done by Dynamics 365 Administrator via CMS System.

Visitors will remain anonymous until they register by using a Dynamics 365 landing page, at which time Dynamics 365 will be able to link both new and historic browsing records to an actual contact in the system.​

Each JavaScript that you generate with Dynamics 365 includes a unique ID, which the system uses to group all visits to pages that have that script on them.

Dynamics 365 considers all visits to a matching ID to be part of the same website. Many organizations will use just one JavaScript, but you could choose to generate several different ones if you prefer to organize various sites, or parts of sites, independently of the others.​

Go to Marketing > Internet Marketing > Websites to view and update the JavaScript for the websites you want to track.

To generate new JavaScript, click + New and fill out the necessary information.

General tab: Specify a name. Enter the URL for the website you plan to track.

Timeout and status will auto populate, update them as needed. Use the description field as needed.

Once you save, the JavaScript code will auto generate. Copy and paste this code on the website pages you want to track.

Timeline: Change the dates to display the online behavior for a specific period of time.

I hope this helps.
For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy/Training/Support/Licensing
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing Templates

Hi Everyone,

As you may aware that in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing have a capability to create number of different template according to the business requirements.

Let’s see in action:

Each time you create a new email message, customer journey, marketing page, or marketing form, you start by choosing a template. Dynamics 365 includes sample templates to get you started, but you’ll probably want to build your own to match your organization’s requirements and graphical identity. Creating a template is nearly the same as when you create an actual message, page, journey, or form. ​

In Navigation bar Marketing > Templates and then choose an entity you want to create a template for. ​

Select and Email Template Window

Here are some notes and best practices to consider when working with templates:​

Content templates often establish a standard visual identity and branding for your communications. Design content templates in collaboration with your branding team and reserve content areas for the marketer to enter content for each specific marketing activity.​

For customer journey templates, set up the basic pipeline and include descriptive names for each tile.  You’ll leave many of the other tile settings unspecified.​

Customer journey templates can include default segments and suppression lists. For repetitive and similar marketing flows (like newsletters or product introductions), templates help maintain consistency across organizations​.

Templates remain in Dynamics 365, so you don’t need to go live with them.​

Additionally, Activity Template option is an available option in Dynamics 365 for Marketing. An activity template is used when creating an activity. The template defines which type of activity it is, who it should be assigned to, and other details. You can choose an existing template or create a new one from here, but you can only assign or create templates that have the same Activity Type as the tile.
Only active Activity Templates will be available in the lookup.​

I hope this helps.

For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy/Training/Support/Licensing
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing new pricing and features for October 2018

Hi Everyone,

Its good news for those who are looking for price change of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing.

Its been announced  on 1st October 2018 that there will be New languages, regions, and pricing for Dynamics 365 for Marketing.

Please refer to the msdn blog:

But still in my view is that customers who are using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for customer engagement application can not have all the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing features, so customers looking to utilize the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing features need to purchase the Dynamics 365 for Marketing separately.

I hope this helps.

For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy/Training/Support/Licensing
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Enable Hybrid Unified Interface in Dynamics 365

Hi Everyone,

Today i am going to share my view on Unified Interface and how to enable the hybrid unified interface.

As Dynamics 365 Community know about the new Unified Interface in Dynamics 365 from version 8.2 on wards.

Unified Interface is the new way of client interface that is designed to provide a consistent experience across devices like mobile, tablets and on web of any screen size or device.

Unified Interface with Dynamics 365  core functionalities of sales and customer service have moved to the Unified interface client.

Dashboard and charts:
We can access all the system and user dashboards from within your unified interface apps.
The interactive dashboards are available for all entities in dynamics 365.

Enhanced user experiences:
Timeline control – The timeline view helps you collaborate with your team by tracking customer communication in a record on a single page in an easy to read view. You can see everything from posts and voice attachments, to emails and notes. It provides a quick way to see the entire communication thread.

Business process enhancement – The business process flow has been improved by the docking mechanism. You can dock the business process stage on your screen to help you stay focused on the task at hand in your business process flow. This is especially useful when the stage of the process has complex steps to complete.

Reference panel – Use the reference panel for apps built on Unified Interface like Dynamics 365 for Customer Service. The reference panel is a great way to get work done without clicking away from the screen you are on. You can look up other things like knowledge base articles within the context of the record you are viewing.

Navigation – The new menu options let you swiftly navigate the different apps in the system. It provides quick access to recently viewed records and pinned favorites.

Reflow – The app also scales by reflowing the components on the screen. The responsive design adapts to your environment based on screen size, so the more available space that you have the more information can be displayed.

Focused experience with mobile driven apps.

Rich controls – Is a Metadata driven experiences, all controls are built o n the control framework that is extensible and provides a uniform experience across clients. The app display reflows to the viewport size the user is working.

Enable the hybrid experience:

Some features are not enabled in Unified Interface but can be enabled for display as legacy dialogs in UI through hybrid experience.

> Advanced Find
> Bulk edit
> Merge records
> Record sharing

These can be enabled through setting in the System settings:
Go to Settings > Administration > System Settings.
> Select the General tab.
> Set Enable embedding of certain legacy dialogs in Unified Interface

After enable the hybrid experience command will appear in Unified Interface command bar.

We can select to share account with another user or team

If you disable the hybrid experience then you will not see the commands on the command bar.

I hope this helps:

For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy/Training/Support/Licensing
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