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Author: uk365guy


Adding a Button to a CRM 2011 Form Ribbon

Here’s a shortcut guide to customising the Form ribbon in CRM 2011.  Rather than explaining all of the intricacies of the ribbon here’s a set of instructions that will get a button added to a form with the least amount of steps/complexity.  In this scenario we will add a button to the Account form that will launch an external web page (if you prefer the button executes a jscript function keep reading as I cover that as well)… 
Here’s the steps:
1. Create a new Solution called Ribbon.
2. Add to your Solution the Account entity and then export the Solution.
3. Determine the location ID for where you want your button to sit (note: this take a bit of research, keep reading…)
3a. Download and install the CRM SDK.  Then go to the following SDK folder:
Here you will see Ribbon definitions for each entity (e.g. accountribbon.xml)
[UPDATE: 14 Dec 2011 – The latest SDK did not include the ribbon definition XML files forcing you to build and run an app from source code provided in order to generate them for your self. I provide instructions on this process here]
3b. Open accountribbon.xml in Visual Studio.
Now we need to find the relevant bit of XML that defines the ribbon component we want to customise.  Each entity has ribbon definitions for it’s form ribbon (“Form”), for the ribbon that appears when the entity’s grid view is selected from the main CRM menu (“HomePageGrid”) and for the ribbon that appears when the entity is displayed as an in-line grid on either a dashboard on another entity’s form (“SubGrid”).  You will see Tab definitions for each of this:
We are interested in the Form ribbon so minimise the other XML elements and have a look at the Tab definitions for the Account Form.  You will see 3 tabs are defined:
These are the definitions behind the “Account”, “Add” and “Customize” tabs you see when looking at the Account form in CRM:
(Note: As the “File” tab is generic it is defined in the application.ribbon.xml rather than inside each entity’s ribbon xml file)
The Tab that we want is the one that appears as “Account”.  The Tab definition for this is:
Tab Id=”Mscrm.Form.account.MainTab”
(Note: look at the Buttons defined under each Tab  to help figure out the correct Tab)
To add a button to the CRM ribbon we need to specify a location.  The value we need is the “Controls Id”.   Find the button you want your button added next to and grab the “Controls ID” that button sits under.  We will add our button to the “Process” Group next to the “Run Workflow” button so the Controls ID value we want is:
Controls Id=”Mscrm.Form.account.MainTab.Workflow.Controls”
3c. Copy the Controls Id value to NotePad
3d.  Close accountribbon.xml
That’s our research done, let’s get back to defining our button…

4. Open the customisation.xml file that was included in your exported Solution zip file (open in Visual Studio).
5. From the XML menu, click Schemas and then add from .. sdkschemas the 3 xsd files that have “ribbon” in their name and also customizationssolution.xsd (this gives us intellisense)
7. Back in the main window of VS do a Find on “RibbonDiff” and then swap out: “<CustomActions />”  with:



















  <CustomAction Id="GT.account.Form.Star.CustomAction"




      <Button Id="GT.account.Form.Star.Button"




              ToolTipDescription="This is a Star"








If you want to deviate from my scenario of customising the Account form the relevant bit in the above is the Location reference.  This is where the Controls ID value that we we obtained from our research goes.  Note: The Controls ID value needs to be appended with “._children” e.g.:
8.  If you have 16×16 and 32×32 icons for your button go and add those into CRM as web resources and then change the references in the above code snippet.  Otherwise, remove theImage16by16 and Image32by32 lines (they’re optional, the button will still show).
9. Scroll down a bit and replace: “<CommandDefinitions />”  with:













  <CommandDefinition Id="GT.account.Form.Star.Command">






      <Url Address="" />




10.Adjust the Url reference to whatever you want.  You can use use a relative reference if you want to launch a CRM URL or an HTML page you have loaded into CRM.
If you want to execute a jscript function instead swap out the <Actions> node with a jscript web resource and function name reference like the below:







  <JavaScriptFunction Library="$webresource:new_getcontact"




11. Save your customisation.xml changes.
12. Re-zip your unzipped solution back into a solution zip file, import, publish all and then refresh your browser.
Done.  Smile
End result:
This solution is available for download in both managed and unmanaged formats.
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How-To Geek

How to Share Your Computer’s Files With a Virtual Machine

Virtual machines are isolated containers, so the guest operating system in the virtual machine doesn’t have access to your computer’s file system. You’ll have to set up shared folders in a program like VirtualBox or VMware to share files.
To help the guest operating system understand what’s going on, virtual machine programs present these shared folders as network file shares. The guest operating system accesses a folder on your PC like it would a shared folder on a network.



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Virtual machines are demanding beasts, providing virtual hardware and running multiple operating systems on your computer at once. Upgrading your… [Read Article]

VirtualBox’s Shared Folders feature works with both Windows and Linux guest operating systems. To use this it, you’ll need VirtualBox’s Guest Additions installed in the guest virtual machine. Click the Devices > Insert Guest Additions CD image option while a virtual machine is running and run the installer from the virtual disc to install it.
Next, click the Machine > Settings option in a virtual machine’s window and select Shared Folders. Here you can see any shared folders you’ve set up. There are two types of shared folders — Machine Folders are permanent folders that will be shared until you remove them, while Transient Folders are temporary and will be removed when the virtual machine restarts or shuts down.
Click the Add button or right-click in the list and select Add Shared Folder to add a new shared folder. The folder path is the location of the shared folder on your host operating system, while the name is how it will appear inside the guest operating system.
By default, the virtual machine has full read-write access to the shared folder. Enable the Read-only checkbox if you want the virtual machine to only be able to read files from the shared folder.
The Auto-mount checkbox makes the guest operating system attempt to automatically mount the folder when it boots. The Make Permanent checkbox makes the shared folder a Machine Folder — by default, it’s a transient folder.
You should see the shared folders appear as network file shares if you’re using a Windows guest operating system. Open Windows Explorer or File Explorer, select Network, and look under the VBOXSRV computer.
You can also mount these folders with the appropriate commands. Hover over the list of shared folders in the virtual machine’s settings window if you ever need to double-check the commands you’ll need.
Use the following command on Windows, replacing NAME with the name of the share:
net use x: \vboxsvrNAME
Use the following command on Linux, replacing NAME with the name of the share and /mnt/folder with the path to a folder. You’ll need to create this folder first if it doesn’t exist:
mount -t vboxsf NAME /mnt/folder


VMware’s Shared Folders work with both Windows and Linux operating systems, too. You’ll need VMware Tools installed in your virtual machine to use this feature. Select the option in your virtual machine’s menu to install VMware Tools or update your virtual machine’s VMware Tools to the latest version.
Next, open your virtual machine’s settings window. For example, in VMware Player, click Player > Manage > Virtual Machine Settings. Click the Options tab, select Shared Folders, and enable the feature.
Add folders you want to share here. They’ll appear in the virtual machine with the name you provide. By default, the virtual machine will have full read-write access to the folder. Check the Read-only box in the wizard to prevent the virtual machine from writing to the folder.
The shared folders will then appear as a network file share in your Windows guest operating system. Look under the vmware-host computer.
Check the “Map as a network drive in Windows guests” option to speed things up. Instead of digging through the network file shares, your shared folders will get their own drive letter and appear in the Computer window. This just uses the “map network drive” feature in Windows.
On a Linux guest system, you should find VMware Shared Folders under /mnt/hgfs in the root directory.

If you have multiple virtual machines, you’ll need to set up file sharing separately for each one. Be careful when using shared folders — if your virtual machine becomes compromised, the malware could escape your virtual machine by infecting files in your shared folders.
Chris Hoffman is a technology writer and all-around computer geek. He’s as at home using the Linux terminal as he is digging into the Windows registry. Connect with him on Google+.
  • Published 05/31/14
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For the scope of this article, I assume that you are familiar with C# OOP concepts and C# projects.
  • We will create a plug-in in the C# Class library, you can also use a portable class library.
  • Add a class library project into the C# solution and name your class “MyDynamicPlugin”. 

  • Now add references to the 2 DLLs. 

    • Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll
    • Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll
  • And you will find both of the DLLs in the SDK/bin folder of your Microsoft SDK. 
  • And inherit the IPlugin interface. 

    create IPlugin
  • Implement the IPlugin Interface and you will get an Execute method with the IserviceProvider interface object as a parameter.
  • Execute method: This method runs as an entry point for any plugin in Microsoft Dynamic CRM.
  • IserviceProvider interface: This interface provides access to various services of dynamic, this interface has a method called GetService() that uses the reflection feature of .NET and allows us to get any type of service we want. 

    cs code
  • This Execute method is all the code you need to fire before or after any event occurred.
Let’s see how 
For this article I will create a default Contact whenever anyone creates an account.

For example, If an employee of an organization creates an account then a default contact with basic details should be added to that account automatically (using a plug-In).


Step 1
Since we need to trigger our plug-in when an event is executed, we need to get the service of IPluginExecutionContext using the IServiceProvider object.
  1. IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));  
And the GetService method returns an object of the specified type. We need to type caste that object. 

Step 2
Plugin execution is an object with a property called InputParameter. 
  • Using this Inputparamter we can get the entity and other types of dynamic CRM. 
  • Target is one of the main parameters of this IPluginExecutionContext object.
  • All the plug-in events are first stored in this variable called “Target”.
  • So when any events occur we need to check if this variable is there in our current context execution.
  • And if so then we need to check if it’s an entity. Because for this article we will trigger a plug-in if a new account (Entity) is created.

Step 3
Now when you know, we have a value in the target and it’s an Entity. 

We can typecast it into an Entity and using its logicalname property we can determine if the current executing event is for an account Entity or not.

And if it’s an account entity we can write our creation of contact code here and associate that contact with the currently executing account.

executing account

Step 4: The last step is to create an Organizationservicefactory instance and we need to create a new plug-in, add a pluginexecutioncontext object ID to create an Organization service and based on that service client we can create our custom Event. 
  1. IOrganizationServiceFactory servicefactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));  
  2. IOrganizationService client = servicefactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);   
  3. client.Create(createcontact);  

Your Microsoft Dynamic CRM plug-in is created. 

This is the sample code, you can find the attachment of this code with my article. 


Build your Project. 

Important Step 
Once you build your project, you need to generate a key that will act as certificate for your plug-in. Without this key you cannot deploy a plug-in onto a server. 

To create a key, go to project property (ALT+ Enter) and go to the signing tab and check sign the assembly. 

Select new in the drop down and add a key name and your dynamic CRM Password. And select save (CTRL+ S).

If you have done this then it will add a pfx encrypted key for your current project. 

Rebuild your project 
Procedure to deploy this assembly using SDkToolsPluginRegistrationPluginRegistration.exe.

Step 1 

  • Run it and Click Create New connection,
  • Enter your Login Credentials for Connection with Dynamic CRM.
  • The first time you login, you need to pass all the details of your CRM Account.
Step 2
After logging in successfully, click Register > Register New Assembly.

Register New Assembly

Browse to the DLL you just created and click OK. 

Step 3
  • Now we need to add steps of this DLL execution.
  • So select the assembly and again click Register > Register new Steps.
  • Or just right-click the assembly you just added and select Register new Steps.

    Register New
This Window includes an option for how and when you want to execute or fire your assembly or plug-in. 

Message: It defines on which event you want to run the plug-in.

Example: Create.

Primary Entity: It define on which Entity execution you want to run the plug-in.

Example: account.

Event pipeline stage of Execution: It defines when you want to run the DLL, before the core operations or after the core operations.

Execution Mode:
 Execution can be synchronous by default or can be asynchronous (that will be handled further by the Dynamic CRM Queue manager).

Deployment: Server where every plug-in is deployed.

Offline where you can deploy it on Outlook for offline use. 

Click Register New Step and whoo, it’s done.

Your assembly or plug-in is deployed on the server. Now go to Dynamic CRM and create an account, an automated contact will be added by default in that account without any manual entry from employees. 
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Remove pop-up ads (Removal Guide)

If you are seeing random pop-up ads from within Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome, then your computer is infected with an adware or a potentially unwanted program. pop-up virus virus
The pop-up ad happens regardless of the web browser or search engine, and if you are seeing ads from whenever you are doing a Google search or clicking on a link, then your computer may be infected with adware or a potentially unwanted program. This infection is designed specifically to make money. It generates web traffic, collects sales leads for other dubious sites, and will display advertisements and sponsored links within your web browser.
The advertisments are caused by an ad-supported (users may see additional banner, search, pop-up, pop-under, interstitial and in-text link advertisements) cross web browser plugin for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome, which is distributed through various monetization platforms during installation. The malicious browser extensions is typically added when you install another free software (video recording/streaming, download-managers or PDF creators) that had bundled into their installation this adware program.
When an adware extension is installed on your computer, whenever you will open a new tab within Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome, an ad from will pop-up. This infection will also display advertising banners on the web pages that you are visiting, and as you browse Internet, it will show coupons and other deals available on different websites. is not a malicious domain itself, however cyber criminals are using an adware program to display ads from this domain, thus getting pay-per-click revenue.
You should always pay attention when installing software because often, a software installer includes optional installs, such as this program that is causing the redirect. Be very careful what you agree to install.
Always opt for the custom installation and deselect anything that is not familiar, especially optional software that you never wanted to download and install in the first place. It goes without saying that you should not install software that you don’t trust.

How to remove pop-up ads (Virus Removal Guide)

This page is a comprehensive guide, which will remove pop-ups from your computer, and any other adware program that may have been installed during the the setup process.
Please perform all the steps in the correct order. If you have any questions or doubt at any point,STOP and ask for our assistance.
STEP 1: Uninstall the adware program that is responsible for the pop-up ads
STEP 2: Remove “” pop-up ads from Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome
STEP 3: Remove “” adware with AdwCleaner
STEP 4: Remove “” pop-up virus with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free
STEP 5: Double-check for the “” infection with HitmanPro

STEP 1: Uninstall the adware program that is responsible for the pop-up ads

In this first step, we will try to identify and remove any malicious program that might be installed on your computer.
  1. To uninstall a program from Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, click the “Start” button, then click on the “Control Panel” menu option.
    [Image: Control Panel in Windows Start Menu]
    If you are using Windows 8, simply drag your mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen, select Search from the list and search for “control panel” .Or you can right-click on a bottom left hot corner (formerly known as the Start button) and select Control Panel from there.
    [Image: Type Control Panel in Windows 8 search box]
  2. When the “Control Panel” window opens click on the “Uninstall a program” option under “Programs” category. This option is shown by the arrow in the image below. If you are using the “Classic View” of the Control Panel, then you would double-click on the “Programs and Features” icon instead.
    [Image: Uninstall a program]
  3. When the “Programs and Features” or the “Uninstall a Program” screen is displayed, scroll through the list of currently installed programs and uninstall Discount Cow, V-bates, PriceMeter,Supra Savings, weDownload Manager, PureLead, Search Assist, Re-Markable, Zombie Alert,Wajam, Coupon Server, Lollipop, HD-Total-Plus, BlockAndSurf, Safe Saver, SupTab, Search Protect, Lollipop, Software Updated Version, DP1815, Video Player, Convert Files for Free, Plus-HD 1.3, BetterSurf, Trusted Web, PassShow, LyricsBuddy-1, PureLeads, Media Player 1.1,RRSavings, Feven Pro 1.2, Websteroids, Savings Bull, TidyNetwork, Search Snacks, MyPC BackupRe-markit and any other recently installed unknown program from your computer.To view the most recently installed programs, you can click on the “Installed On” column to sort your program by the installation date. Scroll though the list, and uninstall any unwanted or unknown programs.
    [Image: Uninstall from Windows]
    Depending on what program has installed the adware infection, the above program may have a different name or not be installed on your computer. If you cannot find any unwanted or unknown programs on your machine, then you can proceed with the next step.
If you are having issues while trying to uninstall the program, you can useRevo Uninstaller to completely remove this unwanted program from your machine.

STEP 2: Remove “” pop-up ads from Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome

Remove pop-up ads from Internet Explorer

You can reset Internet Explorer settings to return them to the state they were in when Internet Explorer was first installed on your PC.
  1. Open Internet Explorer, click on the “gear icon [Image: icongear.jpg] in the upper right part of your browser, then click again on Internet Options.
    [Image: Internet Options in Internet Explorer]
  2. In the “Internet Options” dialog box, click on the “Advanced” tab, then click on the “Reset” button.
    [Image: Reset Internet Explorer]
  3. In the “Reset Internet Explorer settings” section, select the “Delete personal settings” check box, then click on “Reset” button.
    [Image: Reset Internet Explorer to its default settings to remove popup]
  4. When Internet Explorer has completed its task, click on the “Close” button in the confirmation dialogue box. You will now  need to close your browser, and then you can open Internet Explorer again.
    [Image Reset Internet Explorer settings]

Remove pop-up ads from Mozilla Firefox

If you’re having problems with Firefox, resetting it can help. The reset feature fixes many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information like bookmarks, passwords, web form auto-fill information, browsing history and open tabs.
  1. In the upper-right corner of the Firefox window, click the Firefox menu button ([Image: Firefox Menu button]), then click on the “Help” ([Image: Firefox Help button]) button.
    [Image: Click on the Menu button then Help]
  2. From the Help menu, choose Troubleshooting Information.
    If you’re unable to access the Help menu, type about:support in your address bar to bring up the Troubleshooting information page.
    [Image: Troubleshooting Information in Firefox]
  3. Click the “Reset Firefox” button in the upper-right corner of the “Troubleshooting Information” page.
    [Image: Reset Firefox to its default settings]
  4. To continue, click on the “Reset Firefox” button in the new confirmation window that opens.
    [Image: Click on the Reset Firefox button]
  5. Firefox will close itself and will revert to its default settings. When it’s done, a window will list the information that was imported. Click on the “Finish“.
Note: Your old Firefox profile will be placed on your desktop in a folder named “Old Firefox Data“. If the reset didn’t fix your problem you can restore some of the information not saved by copying files to the new profile that was created. If you don’t need this folder any longer, you should delete it as it contains sensitive information.

Remove pop-up ads from Google Chrome

  1. Click on the “Chrome menu button” (Chrome menu)  on the browser toolbar, select “Tools“, and then click on “Extensions“.
    [Image: Extensions menu in Chrome]
  2. In the “Extensions” tab, remove the HD-Total-Plus, SafeSaver, DP1815, Video Player, Convert Files for Free, Plus-HD 1.3, BetterSurf, Media Player 1.1, PassShow, LyricsBuddy-1, 1.2, Media Player 1.1, Savings Bull, Feven Pro 1.1, Websteroids,Savings Bull, HD-Plus 3.5 any other unknown extensions by clicking the trash can [Image: Remove an extension from Chrome] icon.
    Basically, if you have not installed an extensions then you should remove it from your web browser.
    If you cannot remove the extension, and under the trash can you can see the “Installed by enterprise policy” text, then you will need to follow our “Remove Installed by enterprise policy extension from Chrome” guide.
    [Image: Remove Chrome extensions]

STEP 3: Remove “” adware with AdwCleaner

The AdwCleaner utility will scan your computer and web browser for malicious files, adware browser extensions and registry keys, that may have been installed on your computer without your knowledge.
  1. You can download AdwCleaner utility from the below link.
    ADWCLEANER DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a new web page from where you can download “AdwCleaner”)
  2. Before starting AdwCleaner, close all open programs and internet browsers, then double-click on the AdwCleaner icon.
    AdwCleaner Icon
    If Windows prompts you as to whether or not you wish to run AdwCleaner, please allow it to run.
  3. When the AdwCleaner program will open, click on the “Scan” button as shown below.
    Click on Scan button to find virus
    AdwCleaner will now start to search for the “” malicious files that may be installed on your computer.
  4. To remove the “” malicious files that were detected in the previous step, please click on the “Clean” button.
    Remove virus with AdwCleaner
  5. AdwCleaner will now prompt you to save any open files or documents, as the program will need to reboot the computer. Please do so and then click on the OK button.
    AdwCleaner removing virus

STEP 4: Remove “” popup virus with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free uses industry-leading technology to detect and remove all traces of malware, including worms, Trojans, rootkits, rogues, dialers, spyware, and more.
It is important to note that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware works well and should run alongside antivirus software without conflicts.
  1. You can download download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from the below link.
    MALWAREBYTES ANTI-MALWARE DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a new web page from where you can download “Malwarebytes Anti-Malware”)
  2. Once downloaded, close all programs, then double-click on the icon on your desktop named “mbam-setup-consumer-2.00.xx” to start the installation of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
    [Image: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware setup program]
    Picture of User Account Control You may be presented with a User Account Control dialog asking you if you want to run this file. If this happens, you should click “Yes” to continue with the installation.
  3. When the installation begins, you will see the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Setup Wizard which will guide you through the installation process.
    [Image: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Setup Wizard]
    To install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on your machine, keep following the prompts by clicking the “Next” button.
    [Image: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Final Setup Screen]
  4. Once installed, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will automatically start and you will see a message stating that you should update the program, and that a scan has never been run on your system. To start a system scan you can click on the “Fix Now” button.
    [Image: Click on the Fix Now button to start a scan]
    Alternatively, you can click on the “Scan” tab and select “Threat Scan“, then click on the “Scan Now” button.
    [Image: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Threat Scan]
  5. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now check for updates, and if there are any, you will need to click on the “Update Now” button.
    [Image: Click on Update Now to update Malwarebytes Anti-Malware]
  6. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now start scanning your computer for the virus. When Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is scanning it will look like the image below.
    [Image: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware while performing a scan]
  7. When the scan has completed, you will now be presented with a screen showing you the malware infections that Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware has detected. To remove the malicious programs that Malwarebytes Anti-malware has found, click on the “Quarantine All” button, and then click on the “Apply Now” button.
    [Image: Remove the malware that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has found]
    Please note that the infections found may be different than what is shown in the image.
  8. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now quarantine all the malicious files and registry keys that it has found. When removing the files, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware may require a reboot in order to remove some of them. If it displays a message stating that it needs to reboot your computer, please allow it to do so.
    [Image: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware while removing popup virus]
    After your computer will restart, you should open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and perform another “Threat Scan” scan to verify that there are no remaining threats

STEP 5: Double-check for the “” infection with HitmanPro

HitmanPro is a second opinion scanner, designed to rescue your computer from malware (viruses, trojans, rootkits, etc.) that have infected your computer despite all the security measures you have taken (such as anti-virus software, firewalls, etc.). HitmanPro is designed to work alongside existing security programs without any conflicts. It scans the computer quickly (less than 5 minutes) and does not slow down the computer.
  1. You can download HitmanPro from the below link:
    HITMANPRO DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a new web page from where you can download “HitmanPro”)
  2. Double-click on the file named “HitmanPro.exe” (for 32-bit versions of Windows) or “HitmanPro_x64.exe” (for 64-bit versions of Windows). When the program starts you will be presented with the start screen as shown below.
    [Image: HitmanPro start-up screen]
    Click on the “Next” button, to install HitmanPro on your computer.
    [Image: HitmanPro setup options]
  3. HitmanPro will now begin to scan your computer for malicious files.
    [Image: HitmanPro scanning for virus]
  4. When it has finished it will display a list of all the malware that the program found as shown in the image below. Click on the “Next” button, to remove virus.
    [Image: HitmanPro scan results]
  5. Click on the “Activate free license” button to begin the free 30 days trial, and remove all the malicious files from your computer.
    [Image: HitmanPro Activate Free License]

Your computer should now be free of the “” pop-up ads. If your current anti-virus solution let this infection through, you may want to consider purchasing the Premium version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future, and perform regular computer scans with HitmanPro.
If you are still experiencing problems while trying to remove “” pop-up virus from your machine, please start a new thread in our Malware Removal Assistance forum
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BASIC PLUGIN STEPS IN MS CRM 2011/2013/2015/2016

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;

namespace LeadRecordw
    public class Class1

        public static void Read()
            Entity account = new Entity(“account”);
            Entity cass = new Entity(“incident”);
            Entity account2 = new Entity();
            account2.LogicalName = “account”;

            // read the values from the entity (any entity which is defined)
            // read means, retrieve the entity’s fields name values from the entity is called as “reading” the values 
            string accname = account[“name”].ToString();

            DateTime date = (DateTime)account[“createdon”];
            DateTime date2 = Convert.ToDateTime(account2[“createdon”]);

            string accname1 = account2[“name”].ToString();
            OptionSetValue optname = (OptionSetValue)account[“new_accounttype”];
            EntityReference Parentaccount = (EntityReference)account[“parentaccountid”];
            string parentname = Parentaccount.LogicalName;
            Guid parentid = Parentaccount.Id;

            int age = (int)account[“new_age”];

            int age2 = Convert.ToInt32(account[“new_age”]);


        public static void Write()

            Entity contact = new Entity(“contact”);
            contact[“name”] = “abc”;
            contact[“new_age”] = 68;
            DateTime aa = new DateTime(1999, 12, 09);
            contact[“createdon”] = aa;

            contact[“createdon”] = new DateTime(1999, 12, 09);

            OptionSetValue ad = new OptionSetValue(12);
            contact[“new_accounttype”] = ad;

        public static void Main()
            Entity account = new Entity(“account”);

            string accname = account[“accountname”].ToString();

            Entity csd = new Entity(“incident”);
            csd[“incidentname”] = accname;


        public static void read1()
            Entity lead = new Entity(“lead”);
            Entity lead1 = new Entity();
            lead1.LogicalName = “lead”;

            string sub = lead1[“subject”].ToString();
            string name = lead1[“fullname”].ToString();
            string jobtitle = lead1[“jobtitle”].ToString();
            int businessphone = Convert.ToInt32(lead1[“telephone1”]);
            int mobilephone = Convert.ToInt32(lead1[“mobilephone”]);

            EntityReference parentaccountoflead = (EntityReference)lead1[“parentaccountid”];
            string parentaccount = lead1.LogicalName;
            Guid parentid = lead1.Id;

            string email = lead1[“email”].ToString();

            EntityReference parentcontact = (EntityReference)lead1[“parentcontactid”];
            string parentcont = lead1.LogicalName;
            Guid parentsid = lead1.Id;

            string companyname = lead1[“companyname”].ToString();
            string websiteurl = lead1[“websiteurl”].ToString();
            string address = lead1[“address1_composite”].ToString();
            string description = lead1[“description”].ToString();

            int annualrevenue = Convert.ToInt32(lead1[“revenue”]);
            int numbofemployyee = Convert.ToInt32(lead1[“numberofemployees”]);
            OptionSetValue industry = (OptionSetValue)lead1[“industrycode”];
            string SIC = lead1[“SIC”].ToString();

            EntityReference currency = (EntityReference)lead1[“transcationcurrencyid”];
            string curren = lead1.LogicalName;
            Guid currenid = lead1.Id;

        public static void Write2()
            Entity contact = new Entity(“contact”);
            contact[“fullname”] = “malla”;
            contact[“jobtitle”] = “MANAGER”;

            // here retrieve values from account entity then assign to contact entity fields.

            Entity account = new Entity(“account”);
            string accname = account[“name”].ToString();

            Entity contat = new Entity(“contact”);
            contat[“name”] = accname;
            //contact[“fullname”] = accname;

            DateTime date = new DateTime(2001, 12, 12);
            contat[“new_date”] = date;

            OptionSetValue acctype = new OptionSetValue(2);
            account[“new_accounttype”] = acctype;

        public static void Main1()
            // here iam assigning the contact field name companyname = lead field name parent account for lead 
            Entity contact = new Entity(“contact”);
            EntityReference compname = (EntityReference)contact[“parentcustomerid”];
            string companyname = contact.LogicalName;
            Guid companyid = contact.Id;

            Entity lead = new Entity(“lead”);
            lead[“parentaccountid”] = contact.Id;

        public static void Read1()
            Entity annotation = new Entity(“annotation”);
            // annotation[“createdby”] = “mallareddy”;

            Entity cad = new Entity();
            cad.LogicalName = “incident”;

            DateTime date = (DateTime)cad[“new_date”];

            Entity cad1 = new Entity(“incident”);
            int casid = Convert.ToInt32(cad1[“caseid”]);
            string casename = cad1[“casename”].ToString();

            OptionSetValue caseoption = (OptionSetValue)cad1[“caseoption”];

            EntityReference caserefer = (EntityReference)cad1[“casereference”];
            string casefer = cad1.LogicalName;
            Guid caseferid = cad1.Id;


        public static void Write3()
            Entity account = new Entity(“account”);
            account[“name”] = “kashmir”;
            account[“address1”] = “london”;

            OptionSetValue ad = new OptionSetValue(2);
            account[“new_accountype”] = ad;

            DateTime dat = new DateTime(2011, 12, 11);
            account[“createdon”] = dat;


        public static void Main3()
            Entity contact = new Entity(“contact”);
            string companyname = contact[“companyname”].ToString();

            Entity cass = new Entity(“incident”);
            cass[“casename”] = companyname;

        public static void Read4()
            Entity contact = new Entity(“contact”);
            Entity csd = new Entity();
            csd.LogicalName = “incident”;

            Entity activity = new Entity();
            activity.LogicalName = “activity”;

            Entity account = new Entity();
            string accname = account[“accountname”].ToString();
            int accno = Convert.ToInt32(account[“accountnumber”]);
            DateTime date = (DateTime)account[“new_date”];
            EntityReference companyname = (EntityReference)account[“companynameid”];
            OptionSetValue region = (OptionSetValue)account[“new_region”];
            bool gender = (bool)account[“new_gender”];

            EntityReference parentaccount = (EntityReference)account[“parentaccountid”];
            string parentaccountname = account.LogicalName;
            Guid parentaccountid = account.Id;

        public static void Write6()
            Entity acc = new Entity(“account”);
            acc[“accountname”] = “Malla reddy”;
            acc[“phone”] = 1234555;
            acc[“new_weburl”] = “”;

            Guid parentcusromerid = new Guid();
            EntityReference accparentid = new EntityReference();
            accparentid.Id = parentcusromerid;
            accparentid.LogicalName = “account”;
            acc[“parentaccountid”] = accparentid;

            OptionSetValue region = new OptionSetValue(5);
            acc[“new_region”] = region;

            DateTime dat = new DateTime(2001, 12, 03);
            acc[“new_date”] = dat;


        public static void Main5()
            Entity account1 = new Entity(“account”);
            DateTime createdon = (DateTime)account1[“createdon”];

            Entity lead = new Entity(“lead”);
            lead[“datecreatedlead”] = createdon;

            string accname = account1[“accountname”].ToString();
            lead[“leadname”] = accname;

            int accountnumber = Convert.ToInt32(account1[“accountnumber”]);
            lead[“leadnumber”] = accountnumber;
            lead[“leadnumber”] = Convert.ToInt32(account1[“accountnumber”]);

        public static void Retrieve(Guid id, IOrganizationService service)
            Entity account = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“accountname”));
            string accname = account[“accountname”].ToString();

            Entity account1 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“telephone1”));
            int phone = Convert.ToInt32(account[“telephone1”]);

            Entity account2 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“fax”));
            int fax1 = Convert.ToInt32(account[“fax”]);

            Entity account3 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“address1_addresstypecode”));
            OptionSetValue address = (OptionSetValue)account[“address1_addresstypecode”];

            Entity account4 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“createdon”));
            DateTime createdon1 = (DateTime)account[“createdon”];

            Entity account5 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“parentaccountid”));

            EntityReference parentaccount = (EntityReference)account[“parentaccountid”];
            string parentacc = account.LogicalName;
            Guid parentaccid = account.Id;

            Entity account6 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“new_employeesworking”));
            OptionSetValue employeeworking = (OptionSetValue)account[“new_employeesworking”];


            Entity account7 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“new_name”, “new_age”, “emailaddress1”));
            string accountname = account7[“new_name”].ToString();
            int accage = Convert.ToInt32(account7[“new_age”]);
            string email = account7[“emailaddress1”].ToString();

            Entity account8 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“new_age”, “new_bitfield”, “new_existingcustomer”));
            int accountage = Convert.ToInt32(account8[“new_age”]);
            OptionSetValue bitfield = (OptionSetValue)account8[“new_bitfield”];
            OptionSetValue existingcustomer = (OptionSetValue)account8[“new_existingcustomer”];

            Entity account9 = service.Retrieve(“account”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(“new_accounttype”, “address1_line1”, “new_employeesworking”, “new_lastmodifiedby”));
            OptionSetValue acctype = (OptionSetValue)account9[“new_accounttype”];
            string addressline = account9[“address1_line1”].ToString();
            OptionSetValue employeeworking1 = (OptionSetValue)account9[“new_employeesworking”];
            DateTime lastmodifiedby = (DateTime)account9[“new_lastmodifiedby”];


        public static void read3()
            Entity lead1 = new Entity(“lead”);

            Entity lead = new Entity();
            lead.LogicalName = “lead”;

            string subject = lead[“subject”].ToString();
            string fullname = lead[“fullname”].ToString();
            string jobtitle = lead[“jobtitle”].ToString();
            int businessphone = Convert.ToInt32(lead[“telephone1”]);

            int mobilephone = Convert.ToInt32(lead[“mobilephone”]);
            EntityReference parentaccountforlead = (EntityReference)lead[“parentaccountid”];
            string email = lead[“email”].ToString();

            EntityReference parentcontactforlead = (EntityReference)lead[“parentcontactid”];
            string parentcontactname = lead.LogicalName;
            Guid parentcontactid = lead.Id;

            string company = lead[“companyname”].ToString();
            string website = lead[“websiteurl”].ToString();
            string Address1 = lead[“address1_composite”].ToString();

            string description = lead[“description”].ToString();

            OptionSetValue industry = (OptionSetValue)lead[“industrycode”];
            int annualrevenue = Convert.ToInt32(lead[“revenue”]);// currency data type??
            int noofemployees = Convert.ToInt32(lead[“numberofemployees”]);

            string SIC = lead[“sic”].ToString();

            EntityReference currency = (EntityReference)lead[“transcationcurrencyid”];

        public static void Write3()
            Entity contract = new Entity(“contract”);
            contract[“contractnumber”] = 12333333;
            contract[“title”] = “BSSYSTEMS”;

            //EntityReference accparentid = new EntityReference();
            //accparentid.Id = parentcusromerid;
            //accparentid.LogicalName = “account”;
            //acc[“parentaccountid”] = accparentid;

            EntityReference customer = new EntityReference();
            customer.LogicalName = “contract”;
            contract[“customerid”] = customer;  // doubt how to assign values of entity reference

            EntityReference contractaddress = new EntityReference();
            contract.LogicalName = “contract”;
            contract[“serviceaddress”] = contractaddress; // ??

            DateTime contractstartdate = new DateTime(1988, 12, 09);
            contract[“activeon”] = contractstartdate;

            DateTime contractenddate = new DateTime(1999, 12, 12);
            contract[“expireson”] = contractenddate;

            contract[“duration”] = 12;

        public static void Main5()
            Entity account = new Entity(“account”);
            string accountnames = account[“accountname”].ToString();

            Entity contract = new Entity(“contract”);
            contract[“title”] = accountnames;


        public static void Retreive(Guid id, IOrganizationService service)
            Entity leaddetails = service.Retrieve(“leaddetails”, id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(true));

        public static void RetreiveMuliple(IOrganizationService service)
            QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression();

            query.EntityName = “lead”;
            query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
            query.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“emailaddress1”, ConditionOperator.Equal, “”));
            query.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“fullname”, ConditionOperator.Equal, “malla”));

            EntityCollection leadrecords = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);

            foreach (Entity lead in leadrecords.Entities)
                string email = lead[“subject”].ToString();

        public static void RetreiveMultiple(IOrganizationService service)
            QueryExpression query1 = new QueryExpression();

            query1.EntityName = “contact”;
            query1.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
            query1.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“fullname”, ConditionOperator.EndsWith, “das”));
            query1.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“telephone1”, ConditionOperator.EndsWith, “22”));

            EntityCollection contactrecords = service.RetrieveMultiple(query1);

            foreach (Entity contact in contactrecords.Entities)
                string fullname = contact[“fullname”].ToString();

        public static void RetreiveMultiple(IOrganizationService service)
            QueryExpression query2 = new QueryExpression();
            query2.EntityName = “account”;
            query2.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
            query2.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“name”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotEndWith, “hsjs”));
            query2.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“telephone1”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotEndWith, “3222”));

            EntityCollection accountrecord = service.RetrieveMultiple(query2);
            foreach (Entity account in accountrecord.Entities)
                string name = account[“name”].ToString();


        public static void RetreiveMultiplesss(IOrganizationService service)
            QueryExpression query3 = new QueryExpression();
            query3.EntityName = “new_leaddetails”;
            query3.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
            query3.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“new_name”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotContain, “his”));
            query3.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“new_age”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotContain, “12”));
            query3.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“new_email”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotContain, “”));
            query3.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“new_dob”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotContain, “23”));
            query3.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“new_rating”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotContain, “coolest”));
            query3.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“new_connection”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotContain, “sample”));
            query3.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“new_account”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotContain, “simple”));

            EntityCollection leaddetailsrecord = service.RetrieveMultiple(query3);
            foreach (Entity leaddetail in leaddetailsrecord.Entities)
                int name = Convert.ToInt32(leaddetail[“new_age”]);


        public static void RetreiveMultipleA(IOrganizationService service)
            QueryExpression query4 = new QueryExpression();
            query4.EntityName = “opportunity”;
            query4.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(“purchaseprocess”);
            query4.Criteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(“purchaseprocess”, ConditionOperator.DoesNotContain, “kls”));

            EntityCollection Opportunity = service.RetrieveMultiple(query4);
            foreach (Entity opportunity in Opportunity.Entities)
                OptionSetValue purchaseprocess = (OptionSetValue)opportunity[“purchaseprocess”];

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