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Author: uk365guy

{How to create } views and forms directly from maker portal

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to create the views and forms directly from the maker portal.

This is Part 5 Series

Lets gets started.

Use Case:

Customers building apps for Dynamics 365 frequently use this template, use data from Dataverse tables.

Login into

Select the “Start with a page design”.

Then select the View and form:

Create a collection of pages that you’ll connect to data.

For each data table you connect, you’ll get
1.One page with up to eight different data views of a table.
2.One page with a main form for adding and updating table rows.
3.Additional forms that make working with data easier: quick view, create and card forms.

For more information about building your first model driven app here

When you select the View and form then it will prompt to give it a name for your MODEL DRIVEN APP.

You can select the custom solution as well to use components on View and form, refer to the above screen shot.


New screen will be displayed which will give two pages for each table.

1. You get a view, which displays the rows and columns of the table.

2. You also get a form, which lets people interact with the table by editing existing rows, or by creating new ones.

Select the “Account” from the screen and click “ADD”. (Refer to the above screenshot).

Then new model driven app will be created in design mode:

Now you can see the two pages on the left hand side of the model driven app.

1. Account forms

2. Account views

You can change the view from the ” My Active Accounts” DROPDOWN.

Click on Save, and the Publish and then PLAY.

Then MODEL DRIVEN APP will be in play mode.

You can create a new account by clicking on the +NEW button on the site map.

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps.


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How to create Canvas App from Scratch on Maker Portal

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share how to create a canvas app from Maker Portal.

This is part 4 series.

Lets gets started.

Login into

We can create Canvas app both ways from “Create” button or “start with a page design” and click on blank canvas app.

As you can see underneath the Blank Canvas, there is Tablet or Phone format, you can select according to your requirement.

If you select the tablet format still you can see the phone format but for maximum optimization, if you have use case for mobile then choose “Phone” format.

As you can see from above screen shot blank canvas screen will appear and you can select the form or gallery to start creating your Canvas App, but i want to show from scratch so click on SKIP Button.

On the above blank screen i have clicked on the Insert button and clicked on the Text Label and align it into the center as i have highligted on the right hand side properties section.

I have renamed the Text Label to ” Accounts” as i am going to choose the data source from Dataverse.

I have choosen the vertical gallery to show the data in it and connect to source data.

We can connect the data source from multiple places as i have highlighted on the screen shot above, so i have chosen datasource from the properties on the right hand side from datasource drop down.

Also i have renamed the as Gallery Account Gallery and image is uploaded for the accounts as you can see same image for all the accounts.

Now we have datasource and Gallery on our canvas app and we need a home screen where we can click to come back to main screen.

So i have created another screen and renamed it as HOME SCREEN and also uploaded an image books.

On the screen shot right hand side properties section you can choose colour of the button and fade colour too. Placed a button and renamed as “START”

Onselect of the button Power Fx formula: Navigate(MainScreen,ScreenTransition.Fade)

then the Main Screen will be displayed.

Now we have two screens

1. Home Screen

2. MainScreen

We need another screen edit screen when any account is opened.

Create another screen called “Edit Screen”

Then rename the edit button and give it a datasource.

Power Fx formula on Item= AccountsGallery.Selected

Now we have Edit Screen and then we need a connection from Main Screen to Edit Screen.

How do we do that:

select the chevron and on Power Fx Bar OnSelect = Navigate(EditScreen,ScreenTransition.Fade)

Then it will be navigated to the Edit Screen.

Now lets see in action, play Select ” Home Screen” and Click on PLAY Button, you will land on HOME SCREEN and click on the START and it will navigate to Main Screen and when you select any account it will navigate to Edit Screen.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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How to design Power Apps using Gallery connected to external table

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to create Power App using Gallery connected to external table.

This is part 3 series.

Lets gets started.

Lets login into

Click on the Start with a page design and select the “Gallery connected to external table”.

Once clicked on the Gallery connected to external table you will see below screen with the options to connect to external data sources like “SharePoint, Excel, SQL” to create the power app.

Selected the SharePoint as a external data source and connected to SharePoint Lists displayed in the grid and click on “CREATE APP”, so selected one of the list for this demo purpose.

As you can see from the above screenshot the Power App will be created and click on “Preview your app” button when the screen is displayed and click on PLAY button as highlighted on the screenshot.

I have selected the APPLE Iphone 11 414 x 896 (refer to the above screenshot) Power App ready to be used.

Thats it for today.

Stay tuned next part tomorrow at 11am BST.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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{How to design} Power Apps Page design using Gallery connected to table

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to design power apps using Gallery connected to table with simple clicks.

This blog post gonna be Part 2 of this series.

Lets gets started.

Let login into

Then you will be presented with mulitple Power Apps page design options:

Click on the Gallery Connected to table highlighted on above screenshot.

So select the table to create the data source to your app and App will be created automatically.

Once clicked on “CREATE APP” new app will be created refer to below screenshot.

You can save and play the app to interact and make changes as required.

Its that simple to create Power App with very few clicks and your app will be ready for use.

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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Design Model Driven App or Canvas App with Page Design types from Maker Portal

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share new page design types available on Maker Portal.

This blog post gonna be Part 1 of this series.

Lets gets started.

Login into

Then choose the Page Design.

1. Gallery connected to table: See and use your data in a simple, single-page gallery app.

Select this option if
a) You already have business data in Dataverse
b) You want a lightweight, responsive app

Use data from Dataverse Tables.

2. Gallery Connected to external table:ee and use your data in a simple, single-page gallery app.

Select this option if
a) You already have business data in Dataverse
b) You want a lightweight, responsive app

Use data from Excel,SharePoint, or SQL.

3. Blank Canvas:

Either Tablet or Phone app.

4. View and form:

Create a collection of pages that you’ll connect to data.

For each data table you connect, you’ll get
a) One page with up to eight different data views of a table.
b) One Page with a main form for adding and updating table rows.
c) Additional forms that make working with data easier: quick view, quick create, and card forms.

Common uses
Customers building apps for Dynamics 365 frequently use this template.

Uses data from:
Dataverse tables.

5.Blank Page with Navigation:

Build an app on top of data that’s already stored in Dataverse – the smart, secure, and scalable low code data platform.

Select this option if

a) Your app needs to be usable offline
b) Your app needs to handle enterprise scale data

Use data from Dataverse tables.

6. An Image or Figma file:

Upload your app design – either made with our Figma UI KIT, or Saved in any common image file – and we’ll create an app based on that design.

Connect to data:

Once created, connect your app to Dataverse SharePoint, Excel, SQL and more.

7. Split-screen:

Just add content! This page adapts to different screen sizes, It has two sections, each taking up 50% of the screen width.

Select this option of
a) You want a lightweight responsive app.

Use data from: Once created, connect your app to Dataverse SharePoint, Excel, SQL, and more.

8. Sidebar:

Just add content! This page adapts to different screen sizes.

This Page has
a) A fixed sidebar on the left.
b) A fixed height header section
c) A main section that fills the rest of the screen width

Select this option if
a) You want a lightweight responsive app

Use data from

Once created, Connect your app to Dataverse, SharePoint, Excel, SQL and more.

9. Header, Main Section, Footer:

Just add content! This Page adapts to different screen sizes.

This page has
a) A fixed-height header on top.
b) A fixed height footer at the bottom
c) A main section that fills the rest of the screen height.

Select this option if
a) You want a lightweight responsive app

Use data from:

Once created, connect your app to Dataverse, SharePoint, Excel, SQL and more.

10. Dashboard:

Create an app to visualize data on a single page. Can connect to multiple tables and display multiple charts and graphs.

Use data from: Dataverse tables

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