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Author: uk365guy

{How to} resolve The product price can’t be created because price list is currently read only

Hi Everyone,

Today i am going to share a solution for data import error.
Scenario:  Whenever you try to update the Price List Items in Dynamics 365 Sales using bulk data import.
You may face below error message: ” The Product Price can’t be created because Price List is currently read only”
To resolve this issue in my situation the “Price List” is in Inactive state.


So activate the Price List and then import the Price List Items into Dynamics 365 Sales.
I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)


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{How to } turn on Microsoft Modern Controls for designing Canvas Apps

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share preview feature which can be leveraged to design the Canvas Apps.
So let’s get’s started.
Microsoft recently released new feature which can be used and give your feedback to Microsoft before the new feature used for Production use.
Microsoft Modern Controls:  new set of controls these can be used to designed to focus on accessibility, usability and performance that makes them visually appealing.
How to enable them if this feature is available in your region.
Click on create and then click on a Blank Canvas App
A new Canvas App screen will be displayed to and then you want to check whether the modern controls are enabled in your region.
Click on the Insert tab on the Navigation menu and check whether the Modern Controls are displayed under the Mix Reality and if it is not displayed on that area and then check on the Settings area.

A new pop will appear on the screen and click on the upcoming features, then turn on the “Try out modern controls”.

Then close the pop up and head over to the Insert tab and click on it and then check whether the Modern Controls present under the ” Mixed Reality” as Modern Controls and expand it and you will see the modern contorls.
 If you want to test some of the controls then click on the control, for example “Button” and on the right hand side you can see the screen properties, advanced and ideas tabs you can check what you can do with the properties.
I hope this helps.
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)
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{How to} Import Data between Dynamics 365 Environments

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share xrmtoolbox tool which can help you to import data between environments.
Let’s gets started.
Suppose we have a  requirement to export data from UAT to Production, we can do this task in multiple way.
1. Manual export and Import
2. Kingswaysoft Tool
3. Scribe Integration tool
4. Xrmtoolbox – Data Transporter
So i am gonna show data transporter tool, how it is going to help with data import.

Open Xrmtoolbox and click on Connections

then choose the Microsoft Login Control

Then a pop up will be on the screen and choose Open Microsoft Login Control


Then a new pop up will appear on the screen:

1. choose : Office 365(if you are connecting cloud Dynamics 365 environment)

2. check boxes: display list of available organisations & Show Advanced

3. Online Region: Dont Know, it will be show all environments related to region and click Login.

Then it will be display all available environments and choose one as source and open the “data transporter tool
Data Transporter tool opens in the xrmtoolbox with the source you have chosen:


also choose the target environment, then choose the Table you want to transfer data between the environments, in this example i have chosen “Price List Items”, all the attributes related to the table will be displayed, you can choose mapping fields by clicking on the mappings.
You can check the whether the data transfer will be accurate or not by clicking on the Preview button :



One you are happy with the data, then you can click on the “Transfer Data” button on the tool.

If there are any issues then it will be displayed on the screen otherwise the data will be tranferred into the environment.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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Hello Everyone,

Preparing for Microsoft Certification PL 100 Microsoft Power Platform App Maker.
I have been following below procedure to get prepared well with this exam.
PL 100 Exam syllabus slightly changed from july 23rd 2021 Syllabus
Book exam from here
Microsoft Learn for PL 100 here
Create an environment community plan for practise from here
We can get the exam voucher for free if you attend one of the microsoft virtual training sessions.
please find link for virtual training from here 
Then you can start you learning process now.
Firstly if you have linkedin learning then please refer to the power platform introduction to Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agent from  Gini von courter videos here
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{How to} Activate a Retired Product in Dynamics 365 Field Service

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share simple tip on how to activate a retired product in Dynamics 365 Field Service.

Suppose you have retired a product which is expired. After sometime you need to activate the product.

On the Product record there will be Activate button, click on the Activate button.

Now you can see the Product record is in Active mode.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(aka @UK365GUY)

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