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Category: Blog

{Launch Dynamics 365 Apps from Power Platform Admin Center}

Hello Everyone,

Its been a while i haven’t been blogging.. Now I am back on track and trying to show something new on the power platform maker Admin Center.

Lets gets started..

Normally in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center we used to have this feature i.e launch the Dynamics 365 Apps.

Microsoft has added this new feature as part of the streamlining the admin processes to launch all Dynamics 365 Apps from “Power Platform” make web url.

Please find the link below:

You can launch “Microsoft Dynamics 365 Apps” directly by clicking as shown on the above image.

Then new window will be launched.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy aka UK365GUY 🇬🇧

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Microsoft Business Applications Virtual Event for wave 1 release

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is self isolated because of COVID 19.

Please keep yourself hygiene, clean 🧼 your hands very often and keep at least 2 meters distance to combat from COVID 19 when you are out and about.

Today’s topic is about the Microsoft Business Application Virtual Event for wave 1 release.

There are about 400 new features released in this wave 1 release.

Please refer to James Philips blog post

Also refer to recorded virtual event and downloads from

Keep Learning power platform and help the Microsoft Business Applications Community.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy aka UK365GUY 🇬🇧

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{How to} How to create a lead scanning or uploading a business card on power platform dynamics 365 sales app

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how you can quickly create a lead just uploading or scan the business card with a click of a button on Dynamics 365 Sales App.

Let’s gets started.

Scenario: Suppose you are at trade show and at your company stand and customers interested in your products or services might give you their contact details i.e business cards.

In old days you need to carry the business card to your office next morning and enter manually all your potential customer details on customer relationship management or any stand alone application.

Now with the Power Platform Dynamics 365 Sales App Business card scanner, with the click of a button all the information is auto filled.

Login into your Dynamics 365 Sales Hub App

Click on the Quick create and select the “lead” entity.

You will be presented with QUICK create form.

As you can see, i have selected the business card from my desk top and the scan business card reader with built AI functionality all the data will be scanned and auto populates, magic right? 🙂

This feature is very useful for busy field sales representatives. 
I hope this helps.
For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy|Power Apps|Training|Support|Licensing|Web Hosting|Websites
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{How to} How to set up trial version on your existing Power Platform Tenant

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share quick tip on how to set up a trail from your existing Dynamics 365 Subscription.

Let gets started..

Login to your power platform tenant.

Enter your existing power platform credentials, make sure you are system administrator or global administrator role to perform this task..

Once you have successfully logged into the admin center of the power platform, click on the “environment” which is found on the left side of the page.

You will see all the environments of your tenant,

Please note: Earlier on the Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement admin center, you call same “environments” as “instances”.

Click on the “New” button you will be presented with small web page on the right hand side of the admin center..

Name your environment and select the “Type” = Trial, in the Trial down field you will see three field values:
1. Sandbox
2. Production
3. Trail
I will expand more on the third “Type” as you all aware sandbox and production environments require subscription, so “Trial” option is free.
While creating the trial you don’t need to pay for anything.

Region is where you are currently residing, choosing non geo location of your area will be impacted as you may face slowness while accessing your application. so choose right region.

What purpose you want to use trial environment.

Lastly Create Database for this environment: Create a database and build apps by using Common Data Service(CDS) for Apps as a datastore.

Once you select all the options from the new environment window click next..

If you select create database then you need to fill all the selections and also the “Enable Dynamics 365 Apps” currently dynamics 365 apps enabled for production environment, so you can create a trial and associate with this environment.
If you want sample data and apps, you can enable that by enabling the button, regarding the security group can select them if you want to test it out on the trial environment.
Finally you will see trial environment created.
Note: Trial environment storage does not count against the paid subscription.
I hope this helps..

For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy|Power Apps|Training|Support|Licensing|Web Hosting|Websites
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{Did you know} Dynamics 365 Web client settings now in Power Platform

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how the Dynamics 365 Web Client transformed into the Power Platform Settings.

Let’s gets started.

Usually when we are using the new Unified Interface any settings configuration is rendered into the web client area but now you can do all in Power Platform.

For example: You are on the Dynamics 365 Sales App would like to do some system wide settings.

You click on little gear icon.

Now you can see all system wide settings on the Power Platform Admin Center itself, no more page rendering on the web client.

I hope this helps.

For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy|Power Apps|Training|Support|Licensing|Web Hosting|Websites

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