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Processing Returns in Field Service

Hi Everyone,

Today i am going to discuss few points about the Processing Returns in Field Service.

There are three ways for returning a product
 – Return to warehouse
 – Return to vendor
 – Change equipment ownership

All product returns are initiated with an Return Merchandise Authorization.

A return is not finalized until an RMA receipt is created.

Important points to be considered when implementing field service project.

Many implementations may include requirements for integrations with back office applications for inventory management.

Consider how this id going to work with your implementation.

Dynamics 365 for Field Service provides several options for working with and managing inventory.

Inventory can be managed at a warehouse level and then transferred to other warehouses as needed.

I hope this helps.
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Purchasing in Field Service

Purchasing In Field Service

Hi Everyone

Let’s discuss about the Purchasing phase in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service.

As the resources are in the field and perform operation and then eventually you need to raise the Purchase Order, Probably we need some additional products delivery from additional vendors,

 so we can stock your warehouse and make sure we have appropriate stock available based upon may be current jobs that are executing or future jobs that will be coming through down the pipeline as we move forward.

 The purchase order process from a Field Service standpoint has kind of three step process that you are going to be working with the first situation is you have to really requisition what are the products that you want to work with by creating a PO record inside the application.

When you create PO record we can do several different things around defining the specifics on what work order that PO is going to be associated with, how we are going to ship or drop ship that information,

what warehouse that inventory may be received into but as we define the specifics around the purchase order itself, then we are able to go in and gain approval.

Used to request and receive products from vendors to stock warehouses.

Purchase order process
 > Request products from vendor by creating a PO.
 > Gain approval.
> Document receipt of products by creating PO receipt.

Let’s see this in action.

Go to Dynamics 365 > Field Service >

Click on  “Purchase Order” and create new Purchase Order record.
Fill the from which vendor the products coming, fill the purchase order date and work order.

By default the System status is in draft, Fill the Purchase Order Date.

Vendor details, in the general section the delivery date expected ship to, payment term, ship via, receive to warehouse.

Work Order section fill the work order details and booking.

Also the User information of who requested.

In the business process flow approval & submit purchase order status should be changed to “Approved” and “Submitted”.

Once the Purchase Order as been created then create the associated Receipt record
Name of the receipt, received by, ship via and save record

then lookup the associated receipt product:

Finally you can see the Purchase order receipt product below image.

I hope this helps.
For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy/Training/Support/Licensing
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Managing Inventory in Field Service

Hi Everyone,

I am to share my thought around Managing Inventory.

Warehouse where you physically might store equipment inside the system.

View Product Inventory:
See quantity available, allocated, on hand and on order for each warehouse.

Inventory Adjustments:
Adding or subtracting inventory to or from a warehouse.

Inventory Transfers:

Changing the warehouse location of product inventory.

Inventory Transfers & Adjustments:
Inventory transfers allow products to be transferred from one warehouse to another by associating child products to the transfer record.

Inventory adjustments allow the inventory manager to adjust the quantity of products, in a warehouse by associating child products to the adjustment record.

Now you can see this live action below:

Go to Dynamics 365 > Field Service > Warehouse > Main>

Click on the down arrow of the “Main”  and you can see associated Product Inventory as below:

As you can see the product inventory is created for the warehouse record. Now go to the Inventory transfer record from Field Service > Inventory Transfer

Create a new record to transfer the product inventory from Main Warehouse to Truck 1 Warehouse see below:

Then you go back to the product area associated with the New Inventory Transfer record created.

Inventory transfer record is used whether it is used to transfer record or flat inventory adjustment in the system.

Now go ahead and create new Inventory Adjustment Product:

Go to > Dynamics 365 > Field Service > Inventory Transfer >

  Click add new inventory product:

Fill the fields “Product” “Unit “, “Quantity” and one of the Inventory Transfer field or Inventory Adjustment field as there should be a transfer or adjust from the Main Warehouse.
I hope this helps.
For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy/Training/Support/Licensing
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Inventory Management in Field Service.

Hi Everyone,

Today i am going to share some thoughts around the Inventory Management in Field Service.

Often organisation handle the invoices in ERP systems and process back to field services with the integration service.

Organisations should have answer under what circumstances workflow will trigger the invoices and how you are going to handle inventory reductions.

Either invoices can be handled in ERP system or in the Field Service or transferred over from ERP to Field Service, or integrated billing directly from the application or processing the returns or purchase orders. so these questions to be answered properly so there might be a integration services to serve back office systems.

So the following objectives are important in Inventory Management:
1. Customer Assets
2. Purchasing Process
3. Manage Adjustments and Transfers
4 .Handling Returns.

Customer Assets:

List serviceable items related to a service location.

When you create and maintain a list of serviceable items, you can:
Record specific information about the item.
Create a historic log of all of the work orders that are related to the item, which gives you a complete service history for the item.

Assets can be created manually or auto added to a service location.

Product can be set to auto-create Customer Assets when Work Order is closed.

Work Orders can be associated with specific Customer Assets(ex.preventative maintenance)

1. Can be associated with a specific customer
2. A single asset can have multiple child assets
3. Used as a foundation for registering IOT devices in the Connected Field Service Solution.

I hope this helps.
For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy/Training/Support/Licensing
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Points to remember regarding the agreements in Field Service.

Hi Everyone,

Important points to remember about the agreements.

A single agreement can have numerous agreement schedules, like create an agreement and can have multiple booking for that agreement.

The agreement price list specifies the price of all products and services related to an agreement.

Work orders generated from an agreement provides  can still be edited at the work-order level.

Agreements are extremely useful when you want to automatically create work orders on a schedule.

Agreements can be associated with Quotes, Orders and Opportunities.

A single agreement can have numerous agreement schedules tied to it.

I hope this helps.
For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultancy/Training/Support/Licensing
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