Today i am going to share quick tip on how to set up a trail from your existing Dynamics 365 Subscription.
Let gets started..
Login to your power platform tenant.
Enter your existing power platform credentials, make sure you are system administrator or global administrator role to perform this task..
Once you have successfully logged into the admin center of the power platform, click on the “environment” which is found on the left side of the page.
You will see all the environments of your tenant,
Please note: Earlier on the Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement admin center, you call same “environments” as “instances”.
Click on the “New” button you will be presented with small web page on the right hand side of the admin center..
Region is where you are currently residing, choosing non geo location of your area will be impacted as you may face slowness while accessing your application. so choose right region.
What purpose you want to use trial environment.
Lastly Create Database for this environment: Create a database and build apps by using Common Data Service(CDS) for Apps as a datastore.
Once you select all the options from the new environment window click next..
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