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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Global vs Service vs System Administrator

Hi Everyone,

Today i am going to explain the difference between the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Global Administrator vs Service Administrator vs System Administrator.

Global Administrator: When do you assign the Global Administrator to the Tenant(Office 365 + all the tenants under of the Office 365).

Global Administrator can access the instances without restrictions, GA have full admin rights on the Whole Tenant, user can Add users to the tenant, add the licenses to the user,
So the GA have full access on the below sections on the Office 365:
Users, Groups, Resources, Billing, Support, Settings, Setup, Reports, Health,
Admin centers:
Teams & Skype
Dynamics 365
Social Engagement
Security & Compliance
Azure Active Directory

Just a touch base with Dynamics 365, Global Administrator have limited access to the Dynamics 365, like GA can not configure the Customer Engagement application
for example : Can not approve the mailbox  but GA can approve mailbox provided he/she have Dynamics 365 License have been assigned.

Let’s jump on to the Service Administrator:

Service Administrator is an Administrator the user can manage the Dynamics 365 tenant only no control over the Office 365 Admin Center

Use this new role to assign users to manage Dynamics 365 at the tenant level without having to assign the more powerful Office 365 global admin privileges. A Dynamics 365 service admin can sign in to the Dynamics 365 admin center to manage instances. A person with this role cannot do functions restricted to the Office 365 global admin such as manage user accounts, manage subscriptions, access settings for Office 365 apps like Exchange or SharePoint.

Finally Let’s discuss about the System Administrator:

System Administrator role is the security role which will be assigned to the Service Administrator inside Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Application.

In order to assign the security role inside the Dynamics 365 :
Go to System Settings > Security > Users >
select the user and  click on the manage user on the ribbon then we can assign the system administrator / system customizer  role to the service administrator.

So in confusion regarding the Global Administrator/ Service Administrator/System Administrator..

I hope this helps.

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