Normally we download the Microsoft dynamics CRM SDK from Microsoft website until Microsoft Dynamics 365 version 9.0.
From Version 9.0 we have two options to download the SDK
1) Using the visual studio Nuget package manager
2) using the Powershell:
I am gonna show how to download it on to the local folder.
First create a folder in your local computer
Drive : D
Folder: Tool
So the path would be D:/Tools
Search for the “Powershell” on your computer start menu..
Change the directory to desired directory using cd..
cd D:Tools
Copy the powershell script from Microsoft website
$sourceNugetExe = “”
$targetNugetExe = “.nuget.exe”
Remove-Item .Tools -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
Invoke-WebRequest $sourceNugetExe -OutFile $targetNugetExe
Set-Alias nuget $targetNugetExe -Scope Global -Verbose
##Download Plugin Registration Tool
./nuget install Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.PluginRegistrationTool -O .Tools
md .ToolsPluginRegistration
$prtFolder = Get-ChildItem ./Tools | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ‘Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.PluginRegistrationTool.’}
move .Tools$prtFoldertools*.* .ToolsPluginRegistration
Remove-Item .Tools$prtFolder -Force -Recurse
##Download CoreTools
./nuget install Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreTools -O .Tools
md .ToolsCoreTools
$coreToolsFolder = Get-ChildItem ./Tools | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ‘Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreTools.’}
move .Tools$coreToolsFoldercontentbincoretools*.* .ToolsCoreTools
Remove-Item .Tools$coreToolsFolder -Force -Recurse
##Download Configuration Migration
./nuget install Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.ConfigurationMigration.Wpf -O .Tools
md .ToolsConfigurationMigration
$configMigFolder = Get-ChildItem ./Tools | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ‘Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.ConfigurationMigration.Wpf.’}
move .Tools$configMigFoldertools*.* .ToolsConfigurationMigration
Remove-Item .Tools$configMigFolder -Force -Recurse
##Download Package Deployer
./nuget install Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.PackageDeployment.WPF -O .Tools
md .ToolsPackageDeployment
$pdFolder = Get-ChildItem ./Tools | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ‘Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.PackageDeployment.Wpf.’}
move .Tools$pdFoldertools*.* .ToolsPackageDeployment
Remove-Item .Tools$pdFolder -Force -Recurse
##Remove NuGet.exe
Remove-Item nuget.exe