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Microsoft Dynamics 365 User Inactivity and last logged in

Hi Everyone,

Today i am going to share useful information around the users activity and when was the user last logged in and inactive users.

How to find out the User Audit logs from the Dynamics 365?

With Advanced Find View we can see who the users are enabled and which license type the user is assigned on the Dynamics 365.

But how can we find the detailed login information and activity of the user?
1) You can see the Audit Log Summary on the Dynamics 365.
But getting the detailed activity from Audit log file is time consuming and needs some custom development to export the log file and filter by the users on the excel sheet.
There is a too inside the XRMTOOLBOX which we all know is dedicated to the  community by MVP Jonas Rapp.
 Xrmtoolbox have number of free tools, one of them is the User Audit Viewer by Deepak Battini.
With this tool we can get the all the users activities like inactive users and active users, when was the last time the user logged in  from the “User Audit Viewer” tool..
As you all know how to connect to your Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Application and start verifying the user activity.

I hope this helps.

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