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How to switch to new Org Chart from old version on Dynamics 365 Model Driven App

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share how to switch to New Org chart will fully replace the old version.

Let’s get’s started.

Login into Dynamics 365 Sales

New Org Chart:

Help sellers gain a deeper understanding of account hierarchies and contact influence levels within an account.

Org Chart help you visualize the hierarchy and relationship between departments and roles in your customers organisations.

Note: Starting October 2023, the new org chart will fully replace the old version: Features includes:

Improved Experience: Now access the org chart from contacts form as well. All the contacts associated with the account will be pre-loaded into a list on the left pane. Easily drag and drop from the list to build your org chart.

Add more information: Define contact’s influence level by adding labels or by setting them as assistants.Keep track of important information by veiwing and adding seller notes.

Do more by upgrading your license: Understand the relationship health with your contacts at a glance and stay connected to them through the LinkedIn Integration.

Contact labels:

Now you can create custom labels or modify existing ones and define the label colours through the link below.

1.System administrator or similar role users can turn on org chart feature for sales managers and sellers in your organization.

2. If you have a Sales Manager, Salesperson, or similar role, you can manage org charts and view org charts.

Permissons required:

Roles other than sales managers or salespersons should have permissions to custom entities.

Custom Entities – Microsoft Orgchart node entity – Organization – Create, Write, Read, and Delete

That’s it for today.

I hope this helps

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

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{Do you know} Remove bulk system administrator from Power Platform using Powershell Script.

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to remove bulk system administrators or any specific role using PowerShell Script.

Let’s get’s started.

New Microsoft Release feature details: Enables you to have better control over security in Dataverse environments. You can easily produce a list of users assigned to the system administrator role and remove assignments as needed.

Suppose your organisation have a lot of system administrators and global admins or power platform admins can run this Powershell scripts to remove bulk system administrators.

How do you do that ?

You will following list to run the script.

1. Install Visual Studio 2017 or higher

2. Install the .NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack

3. Open the solution file (Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Administration.Powershell.sln) in administrator mode and build the solution.

4. Open PowerShell in administrator mode.

5. Set Execution Policy to Unrestricted.

6. Import the Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Administration.PowerShell module, as shown below.

cd Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Administration.Powershell
Import-Module .\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Administration.UserManagement.psm1

7. Run the command of your choice from the following Powershell commands, click here.

8. Each command will prompt the user to provide credentials when connecting to Dataverse.Enter a user principla name and password.

Powershell commands.

1. Generate reports of role assignments
2. Remove role assignments from given list of users.
3. Add role assignments for a given list of users.

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{How to} Renable a deleted environment on Power Platform Admin Center

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show to renable a deleted envionment on Power Platform Admin Center.

Let’s gets started.

Suppose you have deleted an environment and now you want to renable the same environment, you can do that.

How do you do that?

Login into Power Platform Admin Center

Select the enironment recently deleted.

Then deleted environment will be displayed and click on the three dots … then click on recover.

Now your environment will be enabled.

Note: By default, administrator have 30 days to renable an environment, if the environment remains disabled for 30 days, its automatically deleted. Administrators have seven days to recover a deleted environment.

That’s it for today.

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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New device picker(Preview) for Canvas App

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share new preview feature calked new device picker for canvas app.

Lets gets started.

Canvas App can work on desktop and or the mobile too. checking app responsiveness has been a challenge that required you to either resize your web browser window to approximate a mobile device or crack open dev tools to try out certain device sizes.

So now microsoft release new responsive device picker allows to check the look of the app in multiple devices view sizes either it is on the web or table or mobile.

In order to see this feature open your canvas app and click play see below screenshot

Tablets sizes:

When used in combination with auto layout containers or app authoring techniques, we can see how the content of your app will reflow as you switch through the different device types.

Moble sizes:

Final Browser Size:

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community Blogs List

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share a link for all Dynamics 365 Community Blogs.

Lets gets started.

Either you are looking for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cutomer Engagement Apps Blogs or Finance & Operations or Model Driven Apps Blogs.

Then once place to refer is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community Blogs, You can get valuable information from the blog posts as the community bloggers will share their day to day experiences in the blog posts.

So click Here to visit the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community Blogs

I hope this helps

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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