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Tag: #dynamicscrmblogs

{How to} clear Power Pages cache

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share how to quickly clear the cache on Power Pages.

Lets gets started.

Suppose you have made some changes related to portal configuration and the changes are not reflecting on the portal.

How to resolve this issue.. many might know it the solution but for my blog readers i am posting this blog.

URL: Your Power Pages

Then you can clear the cache by clicking on the “CLEAR CACHE”

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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{ Update } Record status reason to in progress when a field is updated using classic worklfow

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share how to update the record status when a field is updated with classic workflow.

Lets gets started.

Scenario: Requirement to update the record status to “In progress” when a field “update checked by operation equals to Yes”.

How do you do that ?

Using system workflow we can achieve this functionality.

Lets create a workflow:

Go to the solution and click on the process and click “new” and give it a name for your process.

Name: Update status reason to in progress when a field is updated.

1. Process Name: Update status reason to in progress when a field is updated
2. Entity : Deliveries
3. Activate as Process
4. Scope as Organisation
5. Record fields change : Open the “View” and select the field that this workflow needs to trigger.

Then create the condition that If checked by operations is YES then updated the fields to NO and status reason to In progress

Click save the changes and activate the process and the go to the active records and change the field value to YES and then workflow will trigger and updates the fields two fields to NO and status reason to In progress.

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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How to turn on Tenant Isolation from Power Platform Admin Center

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share information on how to turn on “Tenant Isolation” on Power Platform Admin Center.

Lets gets started.

What is Tenant Isolation ?

Tenant Isolation in terms of Power Platform Administrators can ensure that the connectors or Power Automate flows can be connected within the tenant while minimizing the risk of data expliotation outside the tenant.

Tenant Isolation can be used to block external tenants from establishing connections into your tenant (inbound isolation) as well as block your tenant from establishing connections to external connections to external tenants (outbound isolation)

Power Platform tenant isolation is different from Azure wide tenant doesn’t impact Azure AD based access outside of Power Platform.

Power Platform tenant isolation only works for connectors using Azure AD based authentication such as Office 365 Outlook or sharepoint.

There are three types of tenant isolations:

1. Inbound

2. Outbound

3. Inbound and Outbound

With the tenant isolation Power Platform Administrators can put restriction on the users not to connect to other tenants by imposing the type of isolation based on the use case.

For example:

Tenant GMR – UK

Tenant GMR – Europe

Now the users from Tenant GMR – UK can connect to the data source of the Tenant GMR – Europe even the inbound and outbound restriction is imposed because the Bidirectional allowlists in enabled for the both tenants. Anyone from outside the tenant is not able to connect because of the Tenant Isolation imposed.

How to configure Tenant Isolation ?

Login into PPAC

Expand Policies then click on Tenant Isolation

Turn “ON” Tenant Isolation then click save.

New Tenant Rule: Administrators can put restrictions by configuring the Tenant Rules.

Directon: Either – Inbound or Outbound or Inbound and Outbound

For example: INBOUND

I have chosen the direction as “INBOUND” Tenant Domain or ID AND click save.


I have chosen the direction as “OUTBOUND” Tenant Domain or ID AND click save.

What is the effect of this OUTBOUND Isolation ?

Outbound connections to the tenant from external tenants are blocked by Power Platform evem if the user presents valid credentials to the Azure AD secured data source, you can use rules to add exceptions with “Allowlists”

Inbound and Outbound Isolation

Inbouhd and Outbound connections to the tenant from external tenants are blocked by Power Platform evem if the user presents valid credentials to the Azure AD secured data source, you can use rules to add exceptions with “Allowlists”

Allowlist: Allowlist allows the tenant users to connect to data source even the tenant isolation is imposed on some tenants.

Outbound Allowlists;

For example Tenant A, Tenant B

Allowlist – Tenant B

Tenant User can establish a connection using Tenant B credentials.

Similarly : Bidirectional allowlist,

Below configured Tenant rule isolation rule:

For more information of Tenant Isolation click here

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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{Do you know} Now you can access Power Platform Admin Center from Maker Portal

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share simple trick to access Power Platform Admin Center.

Lets gets started.

Normally how do we access Power Platform Admin Center ?

Its from Here

But from Maker Portal too we can access PPAC.

How ?

Login into

Then click on Power Platform on the left side of the navigation.

You will see nice designs of Power Platform Tools: Power Automate, Power BI, Power Pages, Power Virtual Agent, Power Platform Admin Center.

Click on Power Platform Admin Center

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps.
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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Free Dynamics 365 Workflow tools managed solution

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share a Microsoft Community free tool which is available to available to download.

Dynamics 365 Workflow Tools ?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Workflow Tools is a Community solution that expands Microsoft Dynamics 365(CRM) Workflow features with lots of new possibilities.

Which helps to build robust and very advanced Codeless solution in CRM.

Solution includes one Assembly that contains Tools based on Workflow Activities.

How to use this solution ?

You must import to use it. It only contains the workflow assembly and the activities to be used in workflows, so the import of this solution it will not affect any form, entity, view or navigation item.

Contributors suggests: You should always follow your ALM Procedure, downloading the source code, installing it in Non Production environments, test everything and then move to Production environment when you are sure that everything works as you need.

Here is the link for download

Here is the Github link for full documentation.

I have used the “Force Calculate Rollup Field” tool for auto calculate the Roll up field in my recent project.

updated the properties:

I hope this helps.
Malla Reddy

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