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Tag: #powerautomate

{How to} Create Cloud Flows Just Describe it to design it from Power Automate

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to show how to create a Cloud Flows Just ‘Describe it to design it’ from Power Automate.

Let’s get’s started.

Up until now you can create flows from Templates, Viso template, OR Build your own from blank

Automated cloud flows, Instant cloud flow, Scheduled cloud flow, Desktop flow.

New ” Describe it to design it”

Now click on the Describe it to design it.

Then a new window will be displayed where you can describe what you want to auomate and AI will help you make it happen.

Ask Copilot ” Send me an email reminder every week”,

Then the suggested Flow will appear on the screen( see above), and click NEXT.

Office 365 users and Office 365 Outlook connections established and click on Create Flow.

Here you go, Cloud Flow created with few simple steps with natural language description.

That’s it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

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{Do you know} Now you can connect to other environments from the Microsoft Dataverse connector

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on new features of Power Automate connect to other environments.

Let’s get’s started.

The infographic above illustrates the process of connecting to other environments using the Microsoft Dataverse connector, visually representing the integration and data exchange between different systems.

Up until now you can only use the Microsoft Dataverse (legacy) connector to connect to environments outside of the current environment.

So with this new feature, we can connect to other environments from the Microsoft Dataverse connector’s actions and triggers.

That’s it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

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How to check Power Platform Admin Center updates to the products using message center

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to see the installed updates from the Power Platform Admin Center using Message Center.

Lets gets started.

Login into PPAC

Message Center and click on Show all

You will be prompted to

Click on the Service and you can filter by either power apps or power automate or Dynamics 365 etc…

Then you will see what has been updated recently.

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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How to enable collaboration setting from Power Platform Admin Center

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to enable collaboration from Power Platform Admin Center.

Let’s get’s started.

To give greater User Experience using collaboration settings the Model Driven Apps, Enable Sharing, Teams Integration.

Login into PPAC

Select the environment you want to apply the collaboration settings.

Model Driven Apps:

1. Show other people when they are using the same form = ON

With this setting users can see the other users when they are using same form.

2. End users can add and join Team meetings from appointments in model driven apps = ON

Users can join teams meetings directly from the appointments area of the model driven app.

3. Show modern share on views and dashboards(preview)

This setting allow users to see modern share options on views and dashboards.

Enable Sharing:

1. Allows users to share read only links to records with other users from this environment = ON

Now with this settings users can share the records for read only access with link share option.

Teams Integration:

1. Show record name and type to unauthorized users when unfurling links in Teams Chats = ON

With this settings when an unauthorised users see the record shared by end users on teams chat then they should be able to see the record name and type.

2. Install the Dynamics 365 apps for teams for users in the organisation. lets people in your org see business data while working in teams = ON

With this settings users can see data from Teams if the Dynamics 365 app for teams installed.

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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{How to create } views and forms directly from maker portal

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to create the views and forms directly from the maker portal.

This is Part 5 Series

Lets gets started.

Use Case:

Customers building apps for Dynamics 365 frequently use this template, use data from Dataverse tables.

Login into

Select the “Start with a page design”.

Then select the View and form:

Create a collection of pages that you’ll connect to data.

For each data table you connect, you’ll get
1.One page with up to eight different data views of a table.
2.One page with a main form for adding and updating table rows.
3.Additional forms that make working with data easier: quick view, create and card forms.

For more information about building your first model driven app here

When you select the View and form then it will prompt to give it a name for your MODEL DRIVEN APP.

You can select the custom solution as well to use components on View and form, refer to the above screen shot.


New screen will be displayed which will give two pages for each table.

1. You get a view, which displays the rows and columns of the table.

2. You also get a form, which lets people interact with the table by editing existing rows, or by creating new ones.

Select the “Account” from the screen and click “ADD”. (Refer to the above screenshot).

Then new model driven app will be created in design mode:

Now you can see the two pages on the left hand side of the model driven app.

1. Account forms

2. Account views

You can change the view from the ” My Active Accounts” DROPDOWN.

Click on Save, and the Publish and then PLAY.

Then MODEL DRIVEN APP will be in play mode.

You can create a new account by clicking on the +NEW button on the site map.

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps.


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