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Tag: #powerplatform

When to use Elastic Tables(Preview) in Dataverse

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show what is use of the Elastic Tables(Preview) in Dataverse.

Let’s gets started.

What are Elastic Tables in Dataverse?

Elastic table is managed by Microsoft Dataverse. Elastic table have same features as standard tables in Dataverse but they have a unique features and capabilities powered by Azure Cosmos DB.

Note: Elastic table data storage consumption come under the Dataverse database capacity use.

So what is the purpose of the Elastic tables?

Elastic tables are designed to handle large volume of data in real time. By using the elastic table we can import large volume of data and store analyze it without scalability, latency or any performance issues.

Elastic tables supports:

CRUD Operations(create, read, update, delete) including API Multiple operations bulk deletion and requests from plug-ins.

Relationships: One to many and many to one.

Record ownership, change tracking, auditing, mobile offline and Dataverse search.

Security features support:

When creating elastic table you can set: Either user or organisation owned, field level security.

When to use Elastic tables and other information you can click here

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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How to activate an Dynamics 365 Environment which is Inactive and about to be deleted by Microsoft

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to activate the environment which is inactive and about to be deleted.

Lets gets started.

Login into

Go to the environments..

You will see this message “Environment Inactive”. Because of no activity.

Environment inactive. which has not been used for while so microsoft disable this environment and later deletes completely.

How to activate this environment ?

As you can see from the above screenshot the “Trigger environment activity”, Then the environment will be activated.

Click on the continue button.

After a few seconds, the environment’s last activity will be updated to today.

Then your environment will be come active.

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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Resolve Power Platform relying on new cloud service dependency for data residency compliance by adding updating URLs to your firewall rules

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share how to resolve the Power Platform relying on a new cloud service dependency for data residency compliance, evaluate adding/updating URLs to your firewall rules.

In order to reslove any future login issues, we need to add the URLs to the allow list to ensure communication through firewall and other security issues.

Suppose you can’t access a service or specific URLs failed to load, a proxy or firewall might be configured to prevent you from accessing server resources.

You need to review your proxy settings and add the URLs to the allow lists according to your service requirement.

Also URLs for Dynamics 365 Services:

If you are accessing the Dynamics 365 Services then you need to add URLs to allow list to use ALL Dynamics 365 Apps like Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customerr Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, and Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Similarly IP addresses required for public or government clouds are available from microsoft doc,link for microsoft doc’s below.

For more information about the URLs to be added to allow list from Here

Thats it for today.
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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Billing Preview on Power Platform Admin Center

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share new preview feature related to billing – Licenses Preview.

To see the new feature:

Login into Power Platform Admin Center

Click on Billing(Preview) and Licenses(Preview) will be displayed underneath the billing.

The page is displaying a summary of environments in your tenant requiring licensing attention.

Then the Licenses(Preview) will be displayed, there will be toggle button which is “Include standard environments”

Whats that mean is the environments which have licenses will be called as standard environments and rest of them like the trial and community environment not considered as standard environments.

From the above screenshot it says 3 licenses there for these environments.

When you click on “Environments” Tab

The page will be displaying license consumption in the selected environment

Select the environment


It is displaying the Power Apps licensing overview of the License types like D365, Power Apps Trial.

It will also display whether it is managed environment or not.

If you select the default environment :

It will show whether it is a managed environment if not you can enable managed environments.

Managed Environments: If you make this a Managed Environment, any user currently using M365 Licenses only, will require standalone Power Apps and Power Automate licenses.

For more information click here

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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How to configure Tenant Settings on Power Platform Admin Center

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to configure Tenant Settings from Power Platform Admin Center.

Let’s get’s started.

The following Settings are applicable through out your organisation.

Login into PPAC

1. Copilot(Preview): Which allows canvas editors and admin to get AI – Powered answers to how to questions. Its in Preview in some regions.

You can test the preview by creating a tenant and environment region as USA.

More about the preview environment here

Click Save.

2. Weekly Digest: Manage additional recipients for the weekly digest email for Managed Environments.

You can send weekly email notifications to the tenant administrators or system administrators about the resource usage. Which can be used for analysis purposes.

Also make sure tenant level analytics is enabled.

Note: All Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Administrators also receive weekly updates.

Click Save.

3. Developer Environment assignments:

Control who can create and manage developer environments like everyone in the organisation who have system admin rights or only specific admins who are like tenant admins or dynamics 365 administrators or power platform administrators.

Click Save.

4. Production environment assignments:

Control who can create and manage production and sandbox environments.

It may be Everyone in the organisation with administrator privileges or only specific people with appropriate rights.

Click Save.

5. Trial Environment assignments:

Control who can create and manage trial environments like everyone with administrator rights or only specific people with administrator privileges.

Click Save.

6. Add-on capacity assignments:

Specifies who can set add on capacity to the environment any environment admin or only specific admins.

Click Save.

7. Analytics:

Tenant – Level analytics turn ON.

This analytics provides statistics and data from environments across all regions in your tenant and copies it into the default environment region for tenant level reporting.

Click Save.

8. Customer Lockbox:

Control Microsoft Operator access to customer content.

Accessti to Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365 requires users in the environments where the lockbox policy is enforced to have any of these subscriptions.

1. Microsoft 365 or Office 365/E5/G5
2.Microsoft 365 A5/E5/G5 Compliance.
3. Microsoft 365 F5 Security & Compliance
4. Microsoft 365 A5/F5/G5 Insider Risk Management

Customer Lockbox policy will be enforced only on environments that are activated for Managed Environnments for more info click Here

Click Save

9. Storage Consumption Warning Thresold:

Control tenant level storage consumption warning thresold.

By setting this thresold you will receive warning when storage consumption reaches particular thresold.

Click Save.

10. Publish bots with boosted conversations:

It will allow power virtual agents to publish bots that can create real time responses from a knowledge source chosen by canvas editors. this feature is in preview now.

Click Save.

11. Deskop flow actions in DLP:

When it is enabled the desktop flow action groups will be visible when creating or editing DLP policies.

Note: Desktop flows in non managed environments are not governed by DLP policies.

Click Save.

Note: Managed Environment only settings are as follows:

Weekly digest
Customer Lockbox
Desktop flow actions in DLP

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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