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{Customer Insights} Personalize experiences without code using Optimizely customer insights data

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on preview feature on Customer Insights Data -Personalize experiences without code using Optimizely.

Let’s get’s started.

Let’s elevate customer experiences using Optimizely and Customer Insights Data without writing any code.

1. Real-Time Personalization with Optimizely:

Business Value: Deliver tailored experiences to your users based on their behavior, preferences and context.

How it works:

Adaptive Audiences: Dynamically target visitors in real time based on their interests. No need to write code – Simply set up keywords, and Optimizely will find your audience.

Adaptive Recommendations: Tailor experiences across your site using pre-built algorithms. Test different locations and logic to optimize engagement and business outcomes.

2. Integration with Customer Insights Data:

Data Harmonization: Combine data from various channels into a harmonized format, Resolve customer identities and gain actionable insights.

Persistent Profiles: Adapt to customer behavior in real time. Create flexible, personalized and data-driven marketing experience.

Predictive Analytics: Scale highly personalized multichannel campaigns without attribution headaches or guesswork.

3. Experimentation and Personalization:

World-Class Experimentation: Access Optimizely’s powerful experimentation capabilities. Apply them to tagrget campaigns and experimentation programs for optimal impact and learnings.

Test and Learn: Every personalization campaign is also an experiment. Use experimentation principles to refine your personalized experiences.

4. Maximize 1:1 Recommendations:

Individualized Content: Users expect relevant content, Adaptive Recommendations allow you to tailor experiences across your site for every user using pre-built algorithms.

Remember, with Optimizely and Customer Insights data, you can create winning experiences without diving into code.

That’s it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

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