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How to share Canvas App or Model Driven App to co workers and request premium license from Maker Portal

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share how to share canvas app to other users in your organisation and how to request premium license.

Lets gets started.

Login into

Click on the Apps on the left side of the menu.

Select the canvas app you want to share with the user and then a new window will appear on right hand side of the screen.

In the search bar search for name of the user you would like to share this canvas app and select the user.

You can embed a email message while sharing this canvas app all about.

Also you can embed nice image to show case the canvas app in the email too.

You can also have an option of making the user as co owner and then finally share the app.

Image reference Microsoft Docs

Note: If your canvas app uses as premium components then the screen will prompt you to request a premium license for the user refer to the above screen shot.

Then the admin will receive a notification about the license request on Microsoft 365 Admin Center.

So admin can look at the requests and they can either approve or reject, they can configure custom license request process too from the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.

Thats it for today.

I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)

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